I wanted to see what was going on in the world at the time that prompted me to write this.
There was as shooting in Stockton Ca. at the Cleveland Elementary School that killed 5
children. Of course there were the assassinations of the 1960's & 80's that influenced me.
Later, Columbine,Virginia Tech,Sandy Hook,the Colorado's,Tucson & now San Bernardino.
Heck,my own father ,was shot by accident by one of his brothers. My whole family,might
have never been. But who would have known.
Two songs that also had an impression on me: Ticking by Elton John & Bernie Taupin on 1974's Caribou album &
Don Henley & Danny Kortchmar's Dirty Laundry, from 1982.
There was as shooting in Stockton Ca. at the Cleveland Elementary School that killed 5
children. Of course there were the assassinations of the 1960's & 80's that influenced me.
Later, Columbine,Virginia Tech,Sandy Hook,the Colorado's,Tucson & now San Bernardino.
Heck,my own father ,was shot by accident by one of his brothers. My whole family,might
have never been. But who would have known.
Two songs that also had an impression on me: Ticking by Elton John & Bernie Taupin on 1974's Caribou album &
Don Henley & Danny Kortchmar's Dirty Laundry, from 1982.
3/3/2018 As I update & add this page to the In Memoriam page I am reminded gun violence just keeps getting more prevalent in America. Unfortunately the gun lobby & the money they represent,have stifled any constructive discussion of a solution. Fortunately,a new generation seems to be taking the lead & will not accept the status quo any longer. Please support sanity & reject fear. We can have the Second amendment & common sense restrictions on weapons of mass destruction. Since I put this page up in 2015 there have been the Pulse Nightclub (6/12/2016-49 dead)
Las Vegas (10/1/2017-58 dead 851 injured) & now the Florida School (2/14/2018-17 dead) shootings. And almost forgot the Sutherland Springs Church shooting. (11/5/2017-26 dead) How is this acceptable in the land of the free ? Can't we be free to go to school,a club,a concert or even church without fear anymore? Or are we ready to accept we all have to pack heat wherever we go? This is unacceptable.
If you agree, join me & take a stand. The shootings mentioned above are the major massacres,sadly there are too many others to list here.
Las Vegas (10/1/2017-58 dead 851 injured) & now the Florida School (2/14/2018-17 dead) shootings. And almost forgot the Sutherland Springs Church shooting. (11/5/2017-26 dead) How is this acceptable in the land of the free ? Can't we be free to go to school,a club,a concert or even church without fear anymore? Or are we ready to accept we all have to pack heat wherever we go? This is unacceptable.
If you agree, join me & take a stand. The shootings mentioned above are the major massacres,sadly there are too many others to list here.