March For Our Lives
We must make a difference. This should not be happening in America,or anywhere for that matter. The lives lost are not in vain. They have pushed our society to this tipping point at long last,after so many times before it had not. This culmination of outrage is the catalyst that has ignited a movement that I hope will instill the change we need so badly in America. The N.R.A & gun lobby & manufacturers need to be held to account for what they have wrought on society. Their sway in government must be terminated. We can have a sensible second amendment without having to pack heat everywhere we go or live in fear. I am so proud of the new generation of activists. Stand strong.We are behind you. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.
Ignore the naysayers, without idealism,nothing good would ever come about. You follow in the footsteps of the Civil Rights movement, Women's Rights, Vietnam war protests, Greenpeace, Occupy Wall Street & Black Lives Matter. I wrote the song below in a different time. John Lennon had been murdered 3 months earlier & hope was lost for a time. Like Gandhi, Malcolm X, John F.Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy & so many others,known & unknown, we have overcome our grief with our idealism. We can make a Difference, We can shape the world to come
If we don't give up hope!
Ignore the naysayers, without idealism,nothing good would ever come about. You follow in the footsteps of the Civil Rights movement, Women's Rights, Vietnam war protests, Greenpeace, Occupy Wall Street & Black Lives Matter. I wrote the song below in a different time. John Lennon had been murdered 3 months earlier & hope was lost for a time. Like Gandhi, Malcolm X, John F.Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy & so many others,known & unknown, we have overcome our grief with our idealism. We can make a Difference, We can shape the world to come
If we don't give up hope!
Headline Story is an unfinished song from 1989 written after an earlier tragic school shooting.
Click on the images above to link to a couple of fine organizations I've supported over the years.
Thank you to the many sources of image & video included on this page.